
By Walter Maranville

“There is much less drinking now than there was before 1927, because I quit drinking on May 24, 1927.”

“A young fellow has to make a good impression in spring training”
–Two years before he retired in response to questions about why he stole a base in an exhibition game. The attempt resulted in him breaking his leg.

About Walter Maranville

“I don’t know whether he infected the team or the team infected him, but it got to the point where we believed we could win every game and he got to the point where he believed he could make every play.”
— Johnny Evers

“When I first heard about him, about all the stunts he pulled, I said to myself for a fellow to do all those crazy things and still keep his job, he had to be a damned good ball player. When I got into the league, I saw that I was right. He was full of fun, but he could play ball.”
— Joe McCarthy

“He could get away with that stuff, because he was so small that nobody would hit him. But nobody ever really got mad at Rabbit.”
— Jimmy Ring