
Quotes by Alan Ladd

– “I have the face of an aging choirboy and the build of an undernourished featherweight.”

– “If you can figure out my success on the screen, you’re a better man than I.”

Quotes about Alan Ladd

– “Once Ladd had acquired an unsmiling hardness, he was transformed from an extra to a phenomenon. Ladd’s calm slender ferocity make it clear that he was the first American actor to show the killer as a cold angel.”
— David Thomson, A Biographical Dictionary of Film, 1975

– “That the old fashioned motion picture gangster with his ugly face, gaudy cars and flashy clothes was replaced by a smoother, better looking and better dressed bad man was largely the work of Mr. Ladd.”
— New York Times obituary, January 30, 1964

– “His slenderness could fool you at first. But when you saw him close in action, you saw that he was solid, compact, that there was no waste weight on his frame, just as there was no wasted effort in his smooth flowing motion.”