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mid-section privacy policy  

Personal Information
CMG Worldwide, Inc. does not collect users' personal information without their consent.

Electronic Newsletter
The CMG electronic newsletter is only distributed to those individuals or entities who sign up to receive the newsletter User may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. E-mail addresses are not sold to third parties and are only used for purposes of distributing the electronic newsletter.

This site does not use cookies.

Statistical Information
CMG Worldwide, Inc. uses software to track certain statistical data regarding its Web sites. This data is not personal to the user and is used only to objectively evaluate our Web site so that we may better serve our Web site users.

Voluntary Submission of Information
CMG Worldwide, Inc. strongly urges information and is not liable for information submitted to it by the user.

Scope of this Policy
This policy applies only to CMG Worldwide, Inc. and this site. This policy does not apply to affiliate Web sites. CMG Worldwide, Inc. cannot guarantee that affiliate Web sites will respect your privacy.

Memorabilia Services